Hvor langt vil du gå for at blive en bedre fotograf? Hvor mange timer og penge vil du investere i at blive blandt de bedste? At fotografere kan være en kunstart, og lige så lidt som en guitar spiller sig selv, laver et kamera selv billeder. Der er kunstneren der laver kunst, musikeren der spiller. Efter at have tilbragt tre dage med to virtuoser på deres instrumenter, har jeg fået et spark af inspiration, for der er mange paralleller til fotografiets verden. Som fotografer skal vi – lige som musikere – beherske et “instrument”, i vores tilfælde et kamera. Men … Read More
How far are you willing to go (English post)
How far are you willing to go to become a better photographer? How many hours and money are you willing to spend to become one of the best? Photography can be an artform, but just as little as guitar plays itself, will a camera make images on its own. It is the artist that creates art and the musician that plays music. After having spent three days with two virtuosos on their instruments, I have received a veritable kick of inspiration, because there are many parallels between the world of making and playing music, to the world of photography of making … Read More